NEW Animation! What Cyclists Need to Know About Trucks
Cyclists hit by turning trucks is a repeating news story which highlights the most serious deficiency in our system — education of cyclists. Sometimes these crashes are caused by the truck driver passing a cyclist prior to turning right, but very often they are caused by the cyclist passing the truck on the right. In both cases, the cyclist has the power to avoid the crash. Click the image to learn how you can keep this from happening to you.
Lane Width & Space
Click the image to the right to open the animation. Select the type of bicycle to display. Select Lane Control or Sharing Lane. When viewing the bicyclist sharing the lane, select the type of motor vehicle sharing the lane. To see how shy clearance is affected, choose from small, medium or large vehicle in the left lane. Move the slider right to increase lane width. (?) buttons explain various elements of the animation. If you would like to take a screen shot of your composition for use in a presentation, you may choose HIDE BUTTONS for a clean image.
Bike Lane Widths
Click the image to the right to open the animation. Select the type of bicycle to display. Select the type of motor vehicle to display. Select the bike lane and travel lane width configuration from the bottom menu. To see how shy clearance is affected, choose from small, medium or large vehicle in the left lane. (?) buttons explain various elements of the animation. (i) buttons appear below the color-coded bike lane widths and beside the buffered designs when a configuration in that category is selected. Click those buttons for more information. If you would like to take a screen shot of your composition for use in a presentation, you may choose HIDE BUTTONS for a clean image.
Coming soon: lane widths & on-street parking.
Interactive graphics produced by KCI.